Hello World, I am Jota De, but you can also call me Jei Di, or JotaDev, and I'm an independent producer of digital content. I make from digital drawing to music, nevertheless, dedicate myself with larger devotion and passion to the conception, development and publication of video games.
For some years now, from Retro Gamer I have been making quality retro video games using current technologies to get those gaming pieces that people want to play.
Behind an experience of around five years in the development of video games in 2D, I decided to give my jump digital world with this project so-called Retro Gamer.
This Web site has been conceived in order to develop and to share several projects.
Despite the fact that I started designing and programming videogames several years ago, various complications prevented me from making significant progress with the production of new titles, and one of the main disadvantages was the art that the development of a game require, among other resources, so tired of such a situation, I decided to practice pixel art, because my limited ability with the drawing does not strike for more, it was in the same way that I decided to take advantage of the charm that pixel art produces in video games, from the old style of 8 bits (or even go back further, to 2 bits for example), going through a minimalist style, even reaching other more elaborate expressions of drawings in which the pixels are organized in a majestic way.
Always remember: To be a RetroGamer not means to be retrograde